In the process of updating the website, ongoing activity.... trying to make it easier to navigate for mobile phone users, the search bar is useful, and the menu bar has returned.....
I've added some gorgeous new banners and logos by the super-talented Shelley Sophia Crawford, a sister of Magdalene Priestess. She's been helping me with themes and content.
I've added a Reading List page, which is just starting to take shape and this free Ritual page. I used to read so many books on Spiritualism, Healing, and Mary Magdalene and some have been amazing. I read less these days but have included some Oracle Card reviews too. I started with Mythic Tarot, based on Greek Mythology and I read today that Rebecca Campbell started with them too. I have taught people to use the Rider Waite, but my heart is in those Greek storylines. You will find most of my flower guardians are from Greek Mythology and these probably link to a past life in Greece.
The free Priestess Ritual is from Mystical Flower Guardians - Gaia's Healing Garden book by Kim Ora Rose to uses water, flowers and intentions for healing. This method is so easy to use and
There is a free PDF file to download, and print off at home.
My mini cards and guidebook are ideal for flower essences, you can use the cards to evoke the flower energies and as oracle cards.
The cards and book are available in my shop - Temple Shop
Gaia's Healing Garden by Kim Ora Rose
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