Mary Magdalene Priestess Training - Imbolc 1st February 2020
Sat, 01 Feb
|Ora Rose Temple
Magdalene Priestess Training is opening Feb 2020 for Imbolc connecting with this fire ceremony with Mary Magdalene and the Goddess Brigid in The Ora Rose Temple.

Time & Location
01 Feb 2020, 12:00 GMT
Ora Rose Temple, Stapenhill, Burton-on-Trent, UK
About the event
Magdalene Priestess Training is opening Feb 2020 for Imbolc connecting with this fire ceremony with Mary Magdalene and the Goddess Brigid in The Ora Rose Temple.
12 months online course - Workshop 1 will be available to download from 20th January 2020
This is a year long course or process with 8 audio workshops for the Sabbats of the year that you work on at home, there will be some meet ups during the year and online support. You will connect to each season in a natural alignment to the changing seasons and bringing a deep connection to the earth. The course can begin at any point in the year but all 8 parts must be completed.
As you connect deeply to the different aspects of this course you will meet different archetypes of the goddess, the triple moon and with Mary Magdalene's teachings and other goddesses. You will connect deeper to the earth, to Mary Magdalene and heal yourself as you learn the ways of the priestess.
here are 8 workshops during the year the first starts at Imbolc on 1st February and with each workshop there are 3 audio downloads for connection to the teachings, ceremony and healing.
There will be a Facebook Group called
Ora Rose Temple Magdalene Priestesses, I shall ask you to join to share your work and it is there where I will give you feedback and direction.
This will be a closed group only accessible to those who participate on the course. It is necessary to write about your experiences for each workshop in this Facebook group to receive your initiation and certificate.
The group will also provide support from other trainee priestesses.
Unfortunately, I cannot enter into individual email correspondence to provide feedback, this will only be done via the facebook group.
You are encouraged to write a journal and upon the completion of the course you will write a short essay of approximately 2,000 words on the work covered during the year. From reading your essay I will be shown if you are ready for your initiation as a Magdalene Priestess. If you need more time to work with the teachings then this will be given.
The initiation will be done at a distance, soul to soul, in the light at an appointed time and date.
Following the initiation you can then use the title of Magdalene Priestess and if you continue your training to become a Magdalene High Priestess these mysteries are already within you waiting to be activated. Afterwards I will continue to support you in your role as a priestess and teacher.
Once trained you will be initiated as a priestess, you will hold the white flame and white rose energies plus others that may come to you, and receive the blessings of the golden rose held by Kim Ora Rose
Prices are £60 per Sabbat
Each workshop is purchased individually for each Sabbat
Payment is made by paypal on the login page which you will receive when you login.