Somewhere between the Winter Solstice on 21st December 2020 and the New Year a great shift happened to me and probably to everyone else on the earth. There was a conjunction of the planets in the cosmos, before the Solstice a new spiritual guide Solomon came to me and showed me the alignment in the sky in a vision he showed me how everything had been orchestrated for this alignment of the major planets. This was went Jupiter was very close to Saturn in the nights sky, these are two of the biggest planets in our solar system and when they met it was called the "Great Conjunction" it was extra special being on the Winter Solstice. The two planets were so close they looked like a Star, similarly to the Star or Bethlehem that appeared to herald the birth of Jesus over 2000 years ago.
So whilst I was not sure what to expect I knew this alignment was very important and part of something huge going on with our ascension, the Divine Council of Light have been guiding me to be ready for what is to happen. I have been procrastinating about write a book for over 10 years and whilst I have written manuals for courses and poems for my journals it was something that I hadn't really got off the ground. I have started writing a book about the mystical power of flowers and have spoken to a few publishers but because the manuscript isn't completed yet I haven't signed up with any of the publishers. Just before Christmas I was hearing the call to record my eight abundance meditations onto MP3s and update the manual. I offered the course to members of my Facebook group Rose Temple where I had run the course before with live videos in 2019.
So there I was between the turkey and fireworks with a couple of days for relaxing and in that time I had converted my Abundance Manual into an eBook on Amazon and published it on 28th December. If anyone had told me I could have my eBook published in 2020 I would never have believed them. It was so much easier than I had imagined and since the manual was already written with new meditations and content it was a piece of cake to do. Unlocking your Abundance with Mary Magdalene - 22 Days Course with the Power of Roses. The inner satisfaction of doing this was huge and now I know I can proceed with my flower book in 2021.
Since New Year I have published a book of 18 poems all inspired by my journey with Mary Magdalene of healing and inner wisdom. Both books are now available on Amazon for Kindle or in paperback.
So what does your Soul yearn to do?
Just do it?
That is my best Advice - Just Do It?
What is holding you back?
Unlock your flow